Swedish massage is the most common and best-known type of massage. Swedish massage uses a variety of strokes to warm up the muscles, relieve tension, improve blood circulation, promote relaxation by calming the nervous system, manage pain, and stimulate the lymphatic system. A Swedish massage typically focuses on whole-body relaxation using light to medium pressure. Swedish is recommended for those that prefer a lighter touch as well as those that bruise easily or take blood thinners.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage focuses on deeper tissue structures of muscles with the application of strong, constant pressure to the muscle until it relaxes, providing relief to deep areas of tension in specific muscles.

Deep tissue massages are useful for treating sports injuries, soreness from poor posture, and chronic pain/spasms.

Lower Back Treatment

A massage focused on alleviating tension/stress in the lower back by targeting the typical contributing factors; the chest, pelvic region/hips, and gluteal area. This massage incorporates a great deal of deep stretching.

Please Note: This massage is contraindicated for those with severe joint degeneration or severe joint immobility unless cleared by the treating physician.

Neck and Back Massage

A massage focused on relieving stress and improving posture by loosening stiff muscles in the glutes and upper and lower back.

Please Note: This massage is contraindicated during pregnancy as it requires the client to lay on their stomach.

Chest and Back Massage

A massage focused on relieving stress and improving posture by relaxing the chest muscles and loosening stiff muscles in the upper and lower back.

Please Note: This massage is contraindicated during pregnancy as it requires the client to lay on their stomach.

Sinus and Tension Massage

A massage to help relieve sinus pressure as well as tension in the head and neck. The massage includes a firm head and facial massage followed by a relaxing neck and shoulder rub.

Holistic Massage

  • Hot Towel Massage

    Integrating hot towels during body work offers an effective way to improve circulation, reduce muscle soreness, and release tension. Heat penetrates the muscles causing an analgesic effect which can help soothe and reduce the sensation of pain while providing the muscles with much need nutrients via increased blood flow to help speed up the healing process.

  • Custom Massage Schedule

    Each customized session is designed to soothe away the pain and bring the body closer to homeostasis. A comprehensive holistic approach incorporating bodywork, diet, exercise and meditation will help lead to long-lasting pain relief, increased tone and flexibility, increased immunity and so much more. Eve is a highly trained and passionate bodywork specialist ready to join you on your journey of self-care and restoration.

  • Stretching

    Regular stretching can help not only restore blood flow and oxygen to fatigued, overworked and atrophied muscles but it improves posture, decreases stress levels, increases flexibly and range of motion, decrease neck and back pain as well reduce overall tension. Stretches are incorporated in all specialized and targeted bodywork as indicated.

Ready to Relax?